Renewable Energy Articles | Page 407
Energy Efficiency - March 15, 2017
Google gains approval for new energy efficient HQ
Google has received unanimous approval for a new energy efficient headquarters from the Mountain View, Calif., City Council.
Commercial - March 14, 2017
Macerich property meets new green-building standard
Shopping-center developer Macerich said one of its properties, The Oaks in Thousand Oaks, Calif., became the first U.S. building to meet BRE America’s new green-building standard as a BREEAM In-Use certified building.
Industrial - March 13, 2017
Nestlé outlines energy, sustainability goals
Nestle laid out 42 planned commitments in its Creating Shared Value agenda to align with the U.N.'s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Regulation - March 11, 2017
Weekend reads: Power market upheaval; dismantling the Clean Power Plan; Tesla helps Hawaii & more
Kick back with these must-read energy stories from around the web.
Sourcing Renewables - March 10, 2017
Japanese Apple supplier commits to 100% renewables
Apple has taken another step toward powering its supply chain with 100% clean energy.
Sourcing Renewables - March 10, 2017
Moody's: Primary driver of renewable energy demand has shifted to corporates, other new entrants
Corporate power purchase agreements and community choice aggregators are now primary drivers of demand for renewable energy in the U.S., replacing state mandates for greener power portfolios, according to a new report from Moody's Investors Service.
Power Prices - March 9, 2017 - By Greg Turk
How market dynamics impact PPA, VPPA contracts
While there are many advantages to commercial and industrial customers "going green" with long-term renewable energy purchase agreements, it is critical that buyers consider the associated exposure to wholesale market risk before signing on the dotted line.
Solar - March 9, 2017
SEIA: Corporates behind 10% of new solar in 2016
Solar had its biggest year ever in 2016, with large corporate customers accounting for a record amount of total U.S. capacity additions, according to new data from the industry released March 7.
Sourcing Renewables - March 8, 2017 - By Eric Alam
Making physical renewable power accessible to all
In this column, presented by Renewable Power Direct, CEO Eric Alam argues that energy producers, buyers and sellers have failed to make clean energy procurement accessible to most commercial and industrial electric customers, and offers a solution.
Regulation - March 7, 2017
New York ski resorts commit to 100% clean energy
Three New York ski resorts have pledged to operate entirely on renewable energy by 2030 under an initiative intended to support the state's clean energy standard.
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