Renewable Energy Articles | Page 410
Regulation - February 22, 2017
California bill aims to increase RPS to 100%
With the majority of state legislative sessions in full swing, California recently the second state to have a lawmaker propose a 100% renewable energy bill.
Regulation - February 21, 2017
Governors ask Trump to support solar, offshore wind
A bipartisan coalition of state governors have written to President Donald Trump asking him to support offshore wind and solar energy projects.
February 20, 2017 - By Jamie Daubenspeck
A 10-point valuation of continuous monitoring and maintenance
While the value of proactive facilities monitoring and maintenance is often assumed, it's far more powerful when it’s actually measured.
GHG Emissions - February 20, 2017
HP adopts new science-based GHG reduction goal
"With the U.S. EPA set to change hands and the future of the U.S. role in the historic Paris climate agreement unknown, it is more important than ever for the private sector to show its commitment to addressing climate change," the company wrote in a blog post.
Regulation - February 18, 2017
Weekend reads: Solar trains, Trump's impact on climate change, Fukushima robots & more
Kick back with these must-read energy stories from around the web.
Regulation - February 17, 2017
Nevada bill calls for 80% renewables by 2040
A Democratic lawmaker in Nevada has proposed legislation to more aggressively ramp up the state's renewable portfolio standard.
Solar - February 16, 2017
Red Wing Shoe inks 25-year community solar deal
The latest to join a growing list of American businesses turning to renewable energy to help power their operations, Minnesota-based Red Wing Shoe Company recently signed subscription agreements for electricity from two community solar farms.
Sourcing Renewables - February 16, 2017
Switch opens sustainably designed data center campus
Data center company Switch, which has a demonstrated focus on the environmental impact of its operations, has opened a massive data center campus that will run entirely on renewable energy.
Regulation - February 15, 2017
EIA: Coal will again be country's largest source of electric generation without Clean Power Plan
If the U.S. EPA's Clean Power Plan is not implemented, coal will again become the leading source of electricity generation by 2019, and retain that position through 2032, according to projects from the Energy Information Administration.
Solar - February 14, 2017
C&I customers drive $800M utility solar investment
Virginia-based utility giant Dominion on Feb. 14 said it is investing more than $800 million in solar power in Virginia, primarily supported by its largest energy customers.
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