Renewable Energy Articles | Page 434
Sourcing Renewables - July 26, 2016
Tech giants, plus Kohl's, maintain leadership ranking of green power users
Goldman Sachs Group Inc., IKEA, Biogen Inc., Cinemark USA Inc. and Philips Lighting were among seven new partners included in the EPA's quarterly ranking of green power users.
Sourcing Renewables - July 25, 2016
GM makes big strides in onsite renewables with solar, landfill gas
Leading the way among U.S. automakers, General Motors is making big strides in onsite renewable generation.
Energy Efficiency - July 25, 2016
Presentation: Financing for Energy and Sustainability
For many energy managers, accessing capital for energy projects requires overcoming significant barriers; this presentation is one resource that can help get them over the hurdles.
Sourcing Renewables - July 25, 2016
Target will power 60 stores with energy from Texas wind farm
Target Corp. is partnering with Starwood Energy Group on its first wind power deal.
Sourcing Renewables - July 23, 2016
Weekend reads: 5 big energy stories you may have missed
In this edition, the rumored 'Apple Car' may have already been delayed and The New York Times suggests renewable energy may be hurting global action on climate change.
Energy Efficiency - July 22, 2016
AIG boasts energy efficiency efforts, sustainability work with suppliers, in citizenship report
The American International Group Inc. has spent more than $430 million over two years to upgrade worldwide offices with energy efficient lighting and sustainability manufactured products.
Energy Efficiency - July 21, 2016
Utilizing on-bill financing, California grocer rolls out energy-saving refrigeration upgrades
A 52,000 square-foot grocery store in a small California city has adopted a number of new energy-saving technologies with the help of its electric utility, Pacific Gas and Electric.
Distributed Energy Resources - July 21, 2016
'Part deux' of Tesla's master plan includes solar, semi trucks, mass transit
A decade after Elon Musk wrote out his "master plan" for Tesla, the CEO has penned 'part deux' of that plan, outlining a future that goes far beyond the integration of solar-plus-storage.
Energy Procurement - July 19, 2016
Reno resort joins group of Nevada casinos looking to unbundle utility service
Las Vegas-based utility NV Energy Inc. may be on its way to losing another large power customer.
Utilities - July 18, 2016
NextEra terminates bid for Hawaiian Electric after regulators reject $4.3B deal
Hawaii's aggressive renewable energy targets were front and center throughout the lengthy regulatory review process for NextEra's now-cancelled bid for Hawaiian Electric.
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