Solar | Page 131 | Renewable Energy | Smart Energy Decisions

Solar | Page 131

April 24, 2019

Johns Hopkins covers 2/3 of power with solar PPA

Johns Hopkins University has entered into a long-term agreement to supply its campuses with more than 250,000 megawatt-hours of solar power per year. The 15-year agreement begins in 2021 and will allow the university to meet roughly two-thirds of its overall electricity needs with solar power.

Solar  -  April 22, 2019

Shining Cities 2019 - The Top U.S. Cities for Solar Energy

America’s major cities have played a key role in the clean energy revolution and stand to reap tremendous benefits from solar energy. “Shining Cities 2019: The Top U.S. Cities for Solar Energy” from Environment America presents a list of top solar cities and best practices to follow as cities tap their solar potential.

Solar  -  April 22, 2019

Bed Bath & Beyond adds solar to corporate office

Bed Bath & Beyond celebrated Earth Day by adding a nearly 500-kilowatt solar system at its corporate office in Union, New Jersey. The system also marks one decade of a partnership between the retailer and SunPower, which started with a 1.2-megawatt system at that office and has since resulted in the deployment of solar arrays at 41 locations across six states.

Sourcing Renewables  -  April 20, 2019

Weekend reads: Grocers go green to compete; World's largest solar plant

It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web:

April 17, 2019

Perry Ellis fashions new rooftop solar

Perry Ellis International, Inc. (PEI) announced the completion of a new 2,432-panel rooftop solar installation atop one of the company’s largest distribution centers, which is located in Seneca, South Carolina.

April 16, 2019

Starbucks teams up for local power in Texas

Starbucks Coffee Company, Cypress Creek Renewables, and U.S. Bank are teaming up on a portfolio of solar farms across Texas. As a part of the deal, two solar farms developed, built and now operated by Cypress Creek are providing enough energy for the equivalent of 360 Starbucks stores in Texas.

April 16, 2019 - By Peyton Boswell

Solar Tax Credits Are Stepping Down Next Year: What Does This Mean for Corporate Solar Projects?

The U.S. solar industry is continuing to flourish with the help of the federal investment tax credit, otherwise known as the ITC. As this column from EnterSolar notes, this incentive has been a major part of solar project economics for the past decade, but changes are coming in 2020. Here is what you need to know about the ITC Step-Down, and how your company can maximize the monetary benefits of a solar project today.  

Solar  -  April 9, 2019

Limoneira raises the roof on solar energy

Limoneira Company, a diversified citrus packing, selling and marketing company with related agribusiness activities and real estate development operations, announced the unveiling of the Company’s latest solar project, a solar array on the roof of its new packinghouse in Santa Paula, California.

Solar  -  April 8, 2019

Hawaii airport completes solar installation

The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) announced the completion of the installation of 2,980 additional photovoltaic panels on the 5th floor of the Terminal 2 (formerly the Overseas Terminal) garage at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport.

Energy Efficiency  -  April 6, 2019

Weekend reads: Energy Star shines; Utilities drive towards EV charging

It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web:

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