Solar | Page 136
January 7, 2019
Texas Power Pool to promote RE aggregation
The Texas Power Pool has been formed to offer a new power purchasing option for Texas public entities to utilize aggregated renewable energy. Texas Power Pool services include competitive procurement of utility-scale renewables and on-site solar for state agencies, higher education, cities, independent school districts, water districts, and other public entities across Texas, including cooperative and municipal utility regions.
January 4, 2019
U.S. DoD heads towards 2025 goals
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has reached energy offsets of 30-60% across four U.S. military installations, exceeding a goal of 25% savings by 2025.
Utilities - January 2, 2019
Nevada’s largest clean energy investment approved
The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) on Dec. 21 approved NV Energy’s Integrated Resource Plan, which will bring 1,001 megawatts of new renewable energy via six projects to Nevada, including, for the first time, 100 megawatts of battery storage capacity. The projects represent a direct investment of more than $2 billion.
January 2, 2019
Advocate Aurora sets 2030 goal for 100% RE
Advocate Aurora Health announced a goal to power its facilities with 100% renewable electricity by 2030. The health system currently operates more than 500 sites, including 27 hospitals, in Illinois and Wisconsin.
Energy Efficiency - December 21, 2018
Regency achieves 10-year goals in five
Regency Centers Corporation announced it has met a series of 10-year environmental stewardship goals, including increasing energy efficiency and reducing GHG emissions, in five years.
December 19, 2018
Digital Realty improves efficiency, achieves Energy Star
Digital Realty, a global provider of data center, colocation, and interconnection solutions, announced it has earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's ENERGY STAR® certification for superior energy performance in 24 data centers in 2018.
Solar - December 19, 2018
City of Philadelphia secures largest PA solar project
The City of Philadelphia has approved a 70-megawatt solar PPA in Adams County, Penn., to power government facilities in Philadelphia. The project is the largest in Pennsylvania by sevenfold, and a significant step toward the City’s clean energy goal of sourcing 100% of its electricity from renewables by 2030.
Solar - December 13, 2018
Intel signs 100 MW PPA
Intel Corp. has signed a PPA to provide 100 megawatts of solar power to the Intel Chandler-Ocotillo facility in Arizona. The 15-year agreement was signed with Salt River Project, a not-for-profit public power utility.
Solar - December 12, 2018
University of Illinois to add second solar farm
The University of Illinois (UI) plans to add a second solar farm that is expected to help the campus meet its goal of generating 5% of its energy needs from renewable sources as part of the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCap). The existing solar installation currently generates about 2% of campus use.
Sourcing Renewables - December 11, 2018
Bank of America commits to long-term RECs
Bank of America will purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) generated from the first commercial integrated solar-wind hybrid power generation project in the U.S., to be built in Minnesota.
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