Solar | Page 86 | Renewable Energy | Smart Energy Decisions

Solar | Page 86

Solar  -  May 13, 2021

JBS Foods Powers Illinois Plant With C-PACE Funded Solar

JBS Foods USA in Illinois is saving approximately $250,000 a year in energy costs because of its solar projects funded through the state's C-PACE program.

Sourcing Renewables  -  May 12, 2021

Hawaii’s Big Island Also Big On Renewable Energy

Thanks to three large solar projects, Hawaii Island – also known as the Big Island - may be the first in the state to hit 100% of its renewable energy goal, hitting that mark by 2023 and reaching 110% by 2024, according to the Hawaiian Electric Company.

Solar  -  May 11, 2021

Solar Canopies Top Downtown Long Beach Parking Areas

Construction of solar canopies is underway at three downtown Long Beach, California, public parking locations. This project is the first of two phases for the City of Long Beach's solar energy PPA with PFMG Solar Long Beach, LLC, which will place a total of 10 solar installations at various public facilities throughout Long Beach.

Sourcing Renewables  -  May 10, 2021

University of Notre Dame Boosts Sustainability with St. Joseph’s Solar Power

Clean solar energy is now flowing from the new 20-megawatt St. Joseph's Solar Power Farm, located eight miles from the University of Notre Dame. The solar project results from a partnership with Notre Dame, American Electric Power (AEP), and Indiana Michigan Power (I&M).

Sourcing Renewables  -  May 8, 2021

Weekend Reads: Rising Electricity Demand in Virginia; The Logistics of Airport Solar Farms

It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web.

Sourcing Renewables  -  May 6, 2021

University of Arizona’s Grid-Based Energy Soon to Be 100% Renewable

By the end of May, the University of Arizona will receive all its grid-based energy from renewable sources. This process began on April 30, when the university first received power from the Wilmot Energy Center, a solar + storage system.

Sourcing Renewables  -  May 1, 2021

Weekend Reads: Sourcing Land For Biden's RE Vision; Could Renewables Kill Off Fossil Fuels by 2035?

It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web.

Solar  -  April 29, 2021

Goldman Sachs Finances First Utility-Scale Solar Farms in Upstate New York

Goldman Sachs Renewable Power Group (GSRP), managed by Goldman Sachs, has agreed to fund 216 megawatts-dc (MWdc) of new solar installations in New York. Construction has begun on these eight utility-scale solar projects, each of which will generate 27 MWdc.

Sourcing Renewables  -  April 23, 2021

Disney World Approaches 40% Renewable Electricity

Disney World announced that it plans to develop two solar farms near Orlando, Florida. Combined with its two current solar farms, these installments will help the park rely on clean energy for 40% of its electricity needs.

Sourcing Renewables  -  April 22, 2021

Baltimore County Landfills to Generate Solar Energy

When two closed Baltimore County landfill sites are covered with solar arrays, the sun will generate 30 MW of power, one-third of the energy used by the County's municipal and government facilities. These solar parks will help the County meet its sustainability goals, save money on electricity, and power government buildings.

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