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Solar | Page 90

Sourcing Renewables  -  January 29, 2021

Verizon signs 13 renewable energy agreements

Verizon announced on Jan. 28 that it has entered into a total of 13 long-term renewable energy purchase agreements (REPAs) totaling nearly 1.7 GW of renewable energy capacity since December 2019. This has made it of the largest corporate buyers of U.S. renewable energy.

Solar  -  January 28, 2021

Solar array covers 100% of the University of Richmond's power needs

The University of Richmond (UR) announced on Jan. 27 that its new Spider Solar project is online. This makes UR one of only two higher education institutions in the U.S., and the first in the Southeast, to match 100% of its electricity needs with a single solar power source. 

Solar  -  January 28, 2021

CyrusOne powers Texas data centers with renewables

CyrusOne, a global data center real estate investment trust, announced on Jan. 26 that the company will purchase renewable energy to power two of its data centers in Texas.

Sourcing Renewables  -  January 27, 2021

Despite 2020 challenges, corporate clean energy buying grew 18%

BNEF announced on Jan. 26 that its research shows that corporations purchased a record 23.7 GW of clean energy in 2020, up from 20.1 GW in 2019 and 13.6GW in 2018. The increase came despite the COVID-19 pandemic, a global recession and uncertain federal policy.

Solar  -  January 26, 2021

Celanese extends PPA to include solar energy

Celanese Corporation, a global chemical and specialty materials company, announced on Jan. 26 that it has extended a contract to incorporate a solar power component into the electricity supply mix for its acetyl intermediates chemical manufacturing facility.

January 26, 2021

Clorox uses 100% renewable electricity in U.S. and Canada

The Clorox Company announced on Jan. 25 that it has achieved its goal of 100% renewable electricity for its U.S. and Canadian operations four years earlier than planned.

GHG Emissions  -  January 26, 2021

Mastercard commits to net-zero emissions

Mastercard announced on Jan. 26 that it has pledged to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 by decarbonizing its operations and supply chains.

Solar  -  January 22, 2021

Danone signs PPA for power from Europe's largest PV plant

Danone announced on Jan. 21 that it has signed a long-term PPA to obtain power from Europe's biggest photovoltaic plant. The move will allow the global food company to power its plants and factories in Spain with 100% renewable electricity.

Solar  -  January 21, 2021

Clean energy programs power New York State communities

New York State announced on Jan. 20 that it added three new community choice aggregation programs (CCA) in 2020 to more than 100,000 utility account holders in twelve communities. CCA programs help residents save money in addition to supporting local economic growth and helping to meet state climate goals. 

GHG Emissions  -  January 19, 2021

Massachusetts governor vetoes climate bill

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker (R) vetoed a bill on Jan 14 that would update the state’s carbon emissions goals to make the state “net neutral” by 2050, citing that the bill didn’t do enough to help cities and towns adapt to the effects of climate change. 

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