Sourcing Renewables | Page 177
Regulation - March 25, 2020
Solar and storage falls under essential work in COVID-19 crisis, CALSSA says
The California Solar + Storage Association has concluded that solar energy and energy storage project construction is considered "essential work" under the guidelines released under the state’s COVID-19 Shelter in Place order.
Commercial - March 24, 2020
UPS tests new electric vehicles for operational efficiency
UPS announced Wednesday that they have begun rounds of testing of new Gaussin electric vehicles that would be used to move semi-trailers and containers at their London Hub.
Sourcing Renewables - March 23, 2020
White Paper: Enterprise Energy Strategies
Developing a comprehensive energy strategy is critical for brand reputation, expense management, sustainability, and risk mitigation. This white paper from Stem offers enterprise leaders in energy, operations, and facilities information about the changing energy landscape and leading-edge enterprise strategies for adapting and staying ahead.
GHG Emissions - March 23, 2020
Butterfly Ventures becomes first carbon-neutral VC firm in Europe
The Finnish VC firm Butterfly Ventures announced that they have become the first carbon-neutral VC firm in Europe by reducing air travel, sourcing renewable energy and purchasing emission credits.
GHG Emissions - March 21, 2020
Weekend reads: How social distancing is helping combat climate change; Habitat for Humanity's energy efficiency program
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web.
Sourcing Renewables - March 20, 2020
Study shows significant drop in RE demand amid Covid-19 outbreak
A report released by BloombergNEF estimates that the coronavirus pandemic will significantly impact the renewable energy market over the coming year, including a drop in global solar demand from 121-152 GW to 108-143 GW and the first
Sourcing Renewables - March 19, 2020
Virginia, Maryland, Delaware to increase RE available in energy cooperative
Customers in Virginia, Maryland and Delaware will soon have access to increased renewable energy through the development of 15 distributed solar projects to provide services through Old Dominion Electric Cooperative.
Finance - March 19, 2020
New York awards $1 billion to 21 state RE projects
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced March 13 20-year awards for 1,278 MW of clean energy across 21 large-scale solar, wind and energy storage projects that will provide power within the state.
Wind - March 16, 2020
U.S. Offshore Windpower Economic Impact Assessment
The U.S. offshore wind industry is set to deliver significant economic benefits over the next decade, according to the new report, U.S. Offshore Wind Power Economic Impact Assessment, released by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA).
GHG Emissions - March 16, 2020
Neste commits to carbon neutrality by 2035 throughout sustainable fuel production
Neste, a global manufacturer of renewable diesel and biofuels, announced March 15 that they intend to be carbon neutral in their production by 2035 in line with the same target set by their home country, Finland.
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