Sourcing Renewables | Page 195
September 7, 2019
Weekend reads: Candidates for (climate) change; World's largest energy sources
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web:
September 6, 2019 - By Brian Janous, Microsoft
Building world-class sustainable datacenters and investing in solar power in Arizona
Microsoft has chosen Arizona as the location for the development of new world-class datacenter campuses to support the growing demand for cloud and internet services in Arizona and across the Western United States. In this column, Brian Janous of Microsoft explains how these campuses will be among the most sustainably designed and operated in the world – powered with 100% renewable energy.
Sourcing Renewables - September 6, 2019
EPA honors Intel and Google
Intel and Google are among the U.S. Environmental Agency's (EPA) Green Power Leadership Award (GPLA) program winners, companies recognized for advancing the nation's voluntary green power market. Google received the award for Green Power Partner of the Year and Intel for Sustained Excellence in Green Power.
Solar - September 6, 2019
Penn State sets up solar farm
Pennsylvania State University is working to advance energy sustainability priorities both at the University and in the state with a utility-scale solar project consisting of 150,000 solar panels across three locations in Franklin County, Penn.
September 5, 2019
IBM powers up Boulder solar project
IBM Boulder is on its way to reducing carbon emissions by 40% by 2025 and to helping its home city of Boulder reach its goal of generating 50 megawatts (MW) of electricity through renewable energy sources by next year, then 100 MW by 2030 and 175 MW by 2050.
GHG Emissions - September 4, 2019
Kohl’s to cut GHG emissions
Kohl’s is accelerating its long-term sustainability plans with substantial climate actions, including cutting GHGs emissions and expanding renewable energy platforms.
GHG Emissions - September 4, 2019
Panasonic to be carbon-free by 2050
By 2050, Panasonic Corporation is aiming to run its global operations completely on renewable energy and to emit no carbon dioxide at all. In the meantime, the company has set shorter-term goals as it moves towards 2050.
Wind - September 3, 2019
Facebook signs PPA to power TX ops
Facebook is moving closer to achieving its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 75% and supporting its entire operation with power generated from renewable sources. The tech giant signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Apex Wind East to purchase electricity to support its growing operations in the Cook County, Tex., region.
September 3, 2019
Grand Rapids reviews solar sites
Grand Rapids, Mich., city officials are evaluating solar projects to help them meet their 2025 goal of generating all of their power from renewable energy sources, including one at the former Butterworth Landfill.
September 2, 2019
Amazon opens Colorado’s largest rooftop solar
Amazon has installed a solar array on the roof of its 855,000-square-foot Fulfillment Center in Thornton, Colorado, making it the largest single solar system in the state. The solar array, featuring more than 17,000 panels on 19 acres, can generate almost 80% of the facility’s annual energy needs.
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