Sourcing Renewables | Page 275
Wind - March 6, 2017
EIA says wind reached 5.5% of US grid in 2016
Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma and North Dakota all sourced more than 20% of their electricity generation from wind power during 2016, according to new data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Sourcing Renewables - March 2, 2017
Clif Bar & Co. recognized for greening supply chain
Organic food and drink company Clif Bar & Co. has been recognized by the U.S. EPA for its leadership in managing and reducing greenhouse gas emissions internally and through its supply chain.
Solar - March 2, 2017
Amazon plans to install 41 MW of rooftop solar
Amazon on March 2 announced plans for a large-scale rooftop solar rollout at its fulfillment facilities worldwide that will kick off with 41 MW of power at 15 U.S. locations.
Industrial - March 1, 2017
Onsite solar to save Florida steel company up to $80k
A recently installed onsite solar project at one of Tampa Tank Inc.-Florida Structural Steel's three Tampa, Fla., manufacturing facilities is expected save the global steel fabrication company between $75,000 and $80,000 in energy costs.
Energy Efficiency - February 28, 2017
Solar, LEDs help Iowa library reduce costs by $27k
A small town library in Iowa has seen significant savings in its utility bills over the past fiscal year after completing energy efficiency upgrades and the installation of a rooftop solar project that is generating about 33% of its daily power use.
Solar - February 27, 2017
New York-supported solar grows 800% in 5 years
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently announced that state-supported solar power in the state increased nearly 800% from December 2011 to December 2016, leveraging nearly $1.5 billion in private investment.
GHG Emissions - February 20, 2017
HP adopts new science-based GHG reduction goal
"With the U.S. EPA set to change hands and the future of the U.S. role in the historic Paris climate agreement unknown, it is more important than ever for the private sector to show its commitment to addressing climate change," the company wrote in a blog post.
Solar - February 16, 2017
Red Wing Shoe inks 25-year community solar deal
The latest to join a growing list of American businesses turning to renewable energy to help power their operations, Minnesota-based Red Wing Shoe Company recently signed subscription agreements for electricity from two community solar farms.
Sourcing Renewables - February 16, 2017
Switch opens sustainably designed data center campus
Data center company Switch, which has a demonstrated focus on the environmental impact of its operations, has opened a massive data center campus that will run entirely on renewable energy.
Demand Management - February 10, 2017
Industry support drives inaugural SED Innovation Summit attendance beyond expectations
With registration now closed for the Smart Energy Decisions Innovation Summit, the number of confirmed energy executive attendees and supplier sponsors for the event have surpassed original expectations.
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