Wind | Page 60 | Renewable Energy | Smart Energy Decisions

Wind | Page 60

July 24, 2017

Google signs PPA with Dutch solar plant

Google recently signed a second power purchase agreement with a Dutch electricity provider to power its new data center in the region by the provider's solar plant.

July 24, 2017

NY dairy farm benefits from wind power

A New York dairy farm is reaping the benefits that wind power can offer after installing two 100-kW turbines on its property in 2014 and 2016.

Solar  -  July 22, 2017

Weekend reads: Elon Musk's hyperloop; House approves EPA cuts; Michigan solar + storage & more

Kick back with these must-read energy news stories from around the web.

July 20, 2017

IKEA signs PPA tied to another Canadian wind farm

IKEA signed a multi-year power purchase agreement to receive energy from another Canadian wind farm, according to a July 18 news release.

Sourcing Renewables  -  July 20, 2017

Web hosting site switches to 100% clean energy

Web hosting company Kualo is set to begin powering 100% of its U.S.-based operations with Green-e Energy certified clean energy, according to a July 17 news release.

Regulation  -  July 7, 2017

N.C. legislators attempt to halt wind farm permits

North Carolina state legislators June 30 inserted a proposed 18-month moratorium on new wind farm permits into a state renewable energy bill currently awaiting the governor's signature or veto.

Regulation  -  July 1, 2017

Weekend reads: A federal energy bill; Southern kills 'clean coal' plant; world's largest wind farm & more

Kick back with these must-read energy stories from around the web.

Sourcing Renewables  -  June 27, 2017

Home Depot's multidimensional renewables strategy

This case study, presented by Edison Energy, powered by Altenex, details the multidimensional approach The Home Depot has adopted to accelerate its use of renewable energy across its portfolio of more than 2,200 retail locations.

Sourcing Renewables  -  June 23, 2017

Policies for enabling corporate sourcing of renewable energy internationally

This report from the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory explores the policy and regulatory enabling environment for corporate sourcing of renewable energy.

Sourcing Renewables  -  June 21, 2017

Case study: Akamai's journey to drive down emissions

This case study, presented by 3Degrees, goes behind the scenes of cloud delivery network services company Akamai's recent investment in an 80-MW wind farm and explores how the deal fits into Akamai's long-term approach to decarbonizing their operations.

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