Corporate energy management, renewable energy resources - Smart Energy Decisions

Smart Energy Decisions Research Center

April 12, 2021

A Guide to IFRS Accounting for VPPAs

Type: Article
Date Published: 4/5/2021

Companies are increasingly purchasing renewable energy through Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPAs) to reach their sustainability goals. As a result, it is becoming crucial to keep informed on how to implement VPPAs successfully. VPPAs can be intricate financial transactions, especially if reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) guidelines. Luckily, there are ways to analyze and ease potential challenges associated with IFRS, as you'll see in this report from Enel Green Power.

Sourcing Renewables  -  March 19, 2021

Insights from the 2020 Renewable Energy Sourcing Forum - Winter Edition

Type: Presentation
Date Published: 3/19/2021
Source: Smart Energy Decisions
Primary Topic: Sourcing Renewables

As we look forward to the summer edition of the Virtual Renewable Energy Forum, June 7-10, 2021, let's take a look back at our last event, December 2020's Winter Virtual Renewable Energy Sourcing Forum. This Insights report, part of our continuing series, offers a recap of each general session to give you an idea of how buyers and suppliers came together to share ideas on collaborating for a zero-carbon future.

Energy Efficiency  -  March 17, 2021

Iron Mountain Data Centers aces the Better Buildings Challenge

Type: Presentation
Date Published: 3/17/2021
Author: By Better Buildings, U.S. Department of Energy
Source: Better Buildings
Primary Topic: Energy Efficiency

Iron Mountain Data Centers has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for its commitment to energy efficiency through DOE’s Better Buildings Challenge. As a Better Buildings partner, Iron Mountain offered to share its best practices through a virtual tour of the cutting-edge energy efficiency technologies at its data centers.

March 15, 2021

Challenging Channels: Creativity and Competition

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 3/15/2021
Source: Constellation

Customers challenging the status quo are creating new channels to access competitive power markets in traditionally regulated states. "Challenging Channels: Creativity and Competition," a white paper from Constellation, looks at market conditions that are rapidly transforming the electric industry and the emergence of Competitive Access Programs (CAPs).

March 5, 2021

SED Pulse Survey: COVID-19's Impact on Sustainability Goals and Workplace Restart

Type: Research Study
Date Published: 3/5/2021
Source: Smart Energy Decisions

What effect has COVID-19 had on sustainability plans? And when will energy, sustainability, and facility executives return to their offices? Smart Energy Decisions fielded a Pulse survey to find out.

March 1, 2021

State of Energy Management 2020 Report

Type: Research Study
Date Published: 2/26/2021
Source: BuildingOS

The 2nd annual State of Energy Management Report from BuildingOS offers research and insights to help you optimize building performance and make well-informed decisions as your organization continues reaching its energy goals. This report presents survey results as well as a look at five emerging trends for 2021.

GHG Emissions  -  February 22, 2021

Carbon Credits' Role in Achieving Net Zero, Carbon Neutrality, and SBTi Targets

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 2/22/2021
Source: 3Degrees
Primary Topic: GHG Emissions

How can the most common GHG reduction targets (net zero, carbon neutrality, and science-based) work together to support significant emissions reductions today and over the long term? This white paper from 3Degrees, “The Evolution of Corporate Climate Commitments: The Role of Carbon Credits in Achieving Net Zero, Carbon Neutrality and SBTi Targets,” explores how carbon credits will play an essential role in meeting these goals and decarbonizing our economy.

Demand Management  -  February 12, 2021

Demand-Side Energy Management in the Time of COVID

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 2/12/2021
Source: CPower
Primary Topic: Demand Management

CPower’s latest ebook takes a peek into eight of the biggest commercial industries in North America and reveals key energy management strategies successful organizations executed during the wildest year of the young century. This book also breaks down the demand response and demand management programs available in five of the nation’s open energy markets as well as those offered by several of the largest electric utilities in U.S. deregulated markets. "Demand-Side Energy Management in the Time of COVID" is a must-have resource for any commercial and industrial organization striving to optimize its energy use and spend in 2021. Download your electronic copy today!

January 22, 2021

Enel X 2021 Energy Market Outlook

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 1/22/2021
Source: Enel X

In the 2021 Energy Market Outlook, Enel X’s team of experts offers insight into the national and regional trends that will shape energy markets in the coming year. The report covers topics like renewable energy, the Biden administration, and energy strategy amid the continuing pandemic. There are also regional analyses for California, Texas, the Midwest, New England, New York, and the Mid-Atlantic. Download now to learn more.

Energy Efficiency  -  January 8, 2021

NRDC's 8th Annual Energy Report: Slow and Steady Will Not Win the Climate Race

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 1/8/2021
Source: NRDC
Primary Topic: Energy Efficiency

NRDC presents its 2020 Annual Energy Report, for 2019 and part of 2020, highlighting both the progress made and challenges to face in transitioning to a carbon-free economy.

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