Corporate energy management, renewable energy resources - Smart Energy Decisions

Smart Energy Decisions Research Center

October 16, 2020

How to Engage Your Supply Chain in Sustainability

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 10/16/2020
Source: Edison Energy

Companies are continuously looking for innovative ways to future-proof their business and advance their goals. In this white paper from Edison Energy, see how integrating sustainability into their supply chain strategy has proven to be a pragmatic yet impactful approach.

Sourcing Renewables  -  October 14, 2020

Preparing for the Energy Transition, Part 1: Immediate Steps For C&I Facilities

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 10/14/2020
Source: Shell Energy
Primary Topic: Sourcing Renewables

Many of today’s commercial and industrial facilities seek smart, scalable plans for the energy transition. This white paper from Shell Energy outlines four strategies that businesses can take now to start greening their operations on the path to long-term decarbonization.

Distributed Energy Resources  -  September 28, 2020

No Capital Needed: Your Guide to No-Cost Energy Projects

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 9/28/2020
Source: Enel X
Primary Topic: Distributed Energy Resources

Today’s commercial and industrial energy consumers can reduce energy costs and earn incentive payments by using distributed energy resources (DERs) like battery storage, backup generators, or solar-plus-storage. However, few have the capital or resources to purchase, install, and upgrade DERs to take advantage of these opportunities. In this eBook from Enel X, learn more about the business case for DERs

Sourcing Renewables  -  September 21, 2020

Retail Suppliers are Changing the Game for Renewable Energy Buyers

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 9/21/2020
Source: Energy Edge
Primary Topic: Sourcing Renewables

Retail electricity suppliers are changing the game for corporate renewable energy buyers by eliminating many of the challenges that have made buying renewable energy difficult for some. This white paper from Energy Edge explores in detail the various products and solutions being offered, and the challenges associated with evaluating and comparing these offers to renewable PPAs.

Sourcing Renewables  -  September 11, 2020

Being an Energy Superhero in Challenging Times: Maximizing Value through Active Retail Portfolio Management

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 9/11/2020
Source: Customer First Renewables
Primary Topic: Sourcing Renewables

With climate imperatives and corporate ambition growing, energy and sustainability leads have become key players in reducing their organization's carbon emissions and transitioning to decarbonized supply. In this white paper, CustomerFirst Renewables shows how these leads can achieve superhero status by maximizing value and savings that can support their organization and help fund sustainability and other critical initiatives.

Distributed Energy Resources  -  September 9, 2020

Bundling Competitive Supply and Distributed Energy Resources

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 9/9/2020
Source: NRG
Primary Topic: Distributed Energy Resources

When making energy decisions, many Texas businesses think about competitive supply and distributed energy resources (DERs) separately. And until now, the approach made sense. But it may no longer be the most practical or cost-effective game plan. This white paper produced by NRG introduces a new approach, a cohesive and flexible energy strategy that bundles and coordinates your competitive supply and DERs.

Wind  -  September 2, 2020

Today’s Leaders. Tomorrow’s Heroes.: Meet Sprint/T-Mobile’s Amy Bond

Type: Article
Date Published: 9/1/2020
Primary Topic: Wind

Amy Bond, Energy and Sustainability Program Manager for Sprint (now part of T-Mobile), starts every day committed to “doing the work that matters.” It’s that day-to-day work – meetings, nurturing relationships, etc. – that allows her to share the benefits of clean energy and inspire others. Watch Amy’s story, part of a video series from Duke Energy Renewables, to see how her tenacity and positive energy is helping Sprint achieve its sustainability goals.

Microgrids  -  August 31, 2020

A Microgrid For Your Business is More Important Now Than Ever. Find out why.

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 8/31/2020
Source: Bloom Energy
Primary Topic: Microgrids

In this era of COVID and climate change, local energy resilience is emerging as a critical aspect of disaster preparedness - spurring a surge in microgrid interest for businesses and communities alike. In this white paper from Bloom Energy, learn why reliable, localized power should be at the core of self-reliance for any business.  

Sourcing Renewables  -  August 28, 2020

Is the Virtual Power Purchase Agreement the best path to achieving your sustainability goals?

Type: Article
Date Published: 8/24/2020
Source: Enel Green Power
Primary Topic: Sourcing Renewables

Organizations working to design a renewable energy strategy and achieve corporate sustainability goals are faced with several options with varying degrees of effort, impact, and cost. In this white paper from Enel Green Power, you’ll learn more about the four paths to renewables and what the key considerations are for engaging in a virtual power purchase agreement.

GHG Emissions  -  August 26, 2020

Walmart 2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 8/26/2020
Source: Walmart
Primary Topic: GHG Emissions

Walmart's 2020 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report provides information on key ESG metrics and initiatives for the company's fiscal year ending January 31, 2020.

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