Corporate energy management, renewable energy resources - Smart Energy Decisions

Smart Energy Decisions Research Center

July 19, 2018

Webinar: Walmart's Project Gigaton - Driving RE in the supply chain

Type: Webinar
Date Published: 7/11/2018
Source: Smart Energy Decisions

Walmart's Project Gigaton is a bold global initiative that best exemplifies the emerging dynamic of supply chain initiatives as an important growth engine for renewable energy sourcing.

GHG Emissions  -  July 2, 2018

Report: Renewable Heating and Cooling for Industrial Applications

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 7/2/2018
Source: Renewable Thermal Collaborative
Primary Topic: GHG Emissions

As part of an effort to increase options for corporates looking to use renewable energy sources to meet thermal energy needs, the Renewable Thermal Collaborative (RTC) released a report, Renewable Heating and Cooling for Industrial Applications: Guidance for Carbon Accounting.

June 20, 2018

Webinar: Leverage Your Generator Assets to Generate Revenue

Type: Webinar
Date Published: 6/20/2018
Source: CPower

This webinar, sponsored by CPower, shows how your emergency generation—EG—is both a reliability asset and a revenue generator. EG provides a great opportunity to earn revenue and save on energy costs through demand response (DR) and demand management programs.

Energy Efficiency  -  June 20, 2018

Salesforce's FY18 Stakeholder Impact Report

Type: Presentation
Date Published: 6/20/2018
Source: Salesforce
Primary Topic: Energy Efficiency

"Business is an incredibly powerful platform for change," In his presentation at the Smart Energy Decisions Renewable Energy Sourcing Forum on June 19, Patrick Flynn, senior director of sustainability at Salesforce, said, “A good sustainability strategy should start within the four walls of the company

Energy Efficiency  -  June 14, 2018

Colgate Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report 2017

Type: Article
Date Published: 6/14/2018
Source: Colgate
Primary Topic: Energy Efficiency

With the release of the 2017 Colgate Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report, the company announced it had surpassed its 2020 goal of reducing absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from manufacturing of 25% vs. a 2002 baseline.

Energy Efficiency  -  June 13, 2018

Infographic: GM's Operational Commitments

Type: Presentation
Date Published: 6/13/2018
Source: General Motors
Primary Topic: Energy Efficiency

As part of General Motor's 2017 sustainability report, released on June 12, the company included highlights of their operational commitments in a variety of areas, including goals of increasing renewable energy generation, and reducing energy intensity

June 11, 2018

Report: Apple's 2018 Environmental Responsibility Report

Type: Presentation
Date Published: 6/11/2018
Source: Apple

Beginning January 2018, all of the electricity from Apple's facilities worldwide are covered by renewable energy--every Apple data center, retail store, corporate office, and colocation facility in 43 countries around the world now runs on clean power.

June 8, 2018

Infographic: Corporate sourcing of renewables—numbers behind the growth

Type: Presentation
Date Published: 6/8/2018
Source: IRENA

A new report from IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) suggests that with the continued decline in the costs of renewables, corporate demand will continue to increase as companies seek to reduce electricity bills, hedge against future price spikes and address sustainability concerns.

June 6, 2018

Serving renewable energy's full spectrum

Type: White Paper
Date Published: 6/6/2018
Source: WGL Energy

Renewable energy solutions have focused on small and large business, but mid-sized companies are often overlooked. This white paper, presented by WGL Energy, offers new approaches and innovative solutions for those companies who find themselves in this "green-energy gap."

Energy Storage  -  May 30, 2018

Supercharged: Challenges & opportunities in global battery storage markets

Type: Presentation
Date Published: 5/30/2018
Source: Deloitte
Primary Topic: Energy Storage

This report from Deloitte's Center for Energy Solutions on global energy storage explores eight key market drivers that are supercharging the technology, while revealing four barriers that may be impeding growth.

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