Items Tagged with "Aig"
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AIG boasts energy efficiency efforts, sustainability work with suppliers, in citizenship report
... efficiency. In the report's opening letter, AIG President and CEO Peter Hancock tout...s later in the report. On energy efficiency, AIG reported that it has invested more than $... offices in New York City and the United Kingdom, AIG said it has achieved a 15% reduction in energy Read More...
AIG reports sustainability progress
...." ...for those in need,” said Brian Duperreault, AIG president and CEO, in the report’s openi...strategic approach to sustainability." Read More...Tags: AIG,

AIG releases inaugural TCFD Report
... a Chief Sustainability Officer position reflects AIG’s ongoing commitment to sustainability a...tainability matters and in-depth understanding of AIG’s businesses uniquely position her for s...orking with colleagues around the world to evolve AIG’s sustainability strategy and to enhance Read More...Tags: AIG,

AIG Cut Emissions 49% Between 2019 and 2020 toward positive and meaningful outcomes.”...d of 2020, and more than 1 million square feet of AIG’s office spaces are LEED certified. The ...elated risks throughout its investment activities.AIG’s emissions reductions included a 64% dr Read More...Tags: AIG,

AIG Commits to Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2050
...rtfolios by 2050. This new commitment complements AIG’s already announced commitment to achiev...ompany of action – and, as a market leader, AIG is committed to setting the standard with our ...ESG commitments are an important step forward for AIG, the clients we serve and the global communiti Read More...Tags: AIG,