Items Tagged with "Ferc"
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Supreme Court demand response decision has multibillion dollar implications
...The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Jan. 25 that FERC has the jurisdiction to regulate demand respo...rovide a service to the wholesale market," former FERC Chairman Jon Wellinghoff told Greentech ...ntion of Order 745, and that has been vindicated." Read More...
Apple requests to operate new Apple Energy unit as power company
...ording to the company's June 6 filing. Under FERC regulations, nonenergy companies that want to...r than market rates. In its application with FERC, Apple said it should be exempt fro...h to see Apple do this as a product in the future. Read More...
FERC greenlights Apple Energy power sales
...The company initially filed its request with FERC in June, saying it has boosted its ownership ...s — would be sold at market rates. But FERC regulations restrict nonenergy companies that...ry 1 seller in all regions and is so designated," FERC said in its approval notice. The company can Read More...
Outgoing FERC chairman resigns from commission consensus has been that Trump's choice to lead FERC likely signals a shift within the commission ...cies and actions. Bay's departure will leave FERC with only two members, meaning FERC will not will leave FERC with only two members, meaning FERC will not be able to convene the quorum it nee Read More...
Oil, gas, solar, wind associations ban together opposing DOE's call for baseload reliability payments
.... DOE's request. The motion was filed at the FERC on Oct. 2, following Perry's formal Notice, or NOPR, under the Federal Power Act, asking FERC for what is being called the most significant...than a decade. In the NOPR, the DOE directs FERC to require its organized markets to "dev Read More...
FERC rejects Perry-proposed nuclear, coal bailout
...a coal and nuclear bailout — they preserved FERC's critical policymaking independence." P...dependence." Perry's motion was filed at the FERC on Oct. 2, 2017, following the U.S. DOE's for...NOPR, under the Federal Power Act, which directed FERC to require its organized markets to "develop Read More...
FERC eliminates barriers for energy storage
....”...em Operators (ISOs).According to a statement from FERC, "This order will enhance competition and pro... can run all the time."RE executives welcomed the FERC decision, according to Reuters, noting it wil Read More...Tags: ferc,

Five Fortune 100 companies ask FERC to focus on electric transmission
... to ask the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to intensify its focus on expanding the nati... & Power, the five companies sent a letter to FERC on May 9 requesting the federal grid regulato... their proceedings on grid resiliency. FERC is continuing grid resiliency proceedings and Read More...Tags: ferc,