Items Tagged with "Florida"
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FPL's 3 new power plants triple utility's solar capacity
...year and save millions of gallons of water." ...r state and for the future of renewable energy in Florida," said Eric Draper, executive director of ..." said Eric Draper, executive director of Audubon Florida said in FPL's news release. "FPL's three s Read More...
Florida approves solar tax break for C&I installations
...eating burdensome red tape for small businesses.... to the governor.Senate Bill 90 was passed by the Florida Senate with unanimous support May 4 May 4 following unanimous approval of the Florida House of Representatives on May 3. The tax Read More...
Florida utility pivots from nuclear to solar, storage"...Public Service Commission that allows Duke Energy Florida to abandon work on a planned, 2.2 GW nucle...nt for the approximately $800 million Duke Energy Florida customers have already paid toward the pro Read More...
Florida enacts law to expand EV charging network
...n the nation after California and Washington, D.C....nts for nearly a quarter of state highway funding.Florida currently has nearly 70,000 fully or parti...en’t required to identify cars as electric. Florida also has the third-highest number of elect Read More...Tags: Florida,