Items Tagged with "Lighting"
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Top 10 Energy Smart Tips for Existing Building Upgrades
This is a one-pager that identifies 10 general tips for increasing building energy efficiency.Please fill out the below field to receive the report. We value your privacy!

Mayors' survey reveals strong support for LED lighting, energy efficient buildings, solar tech
...ties are deploying solar electricity systems, LED lighting and low-energy buildings to meet energy a... lead the charge in adopting energy efficient LED lighting," Philips lighting Americas Presiden...ting energy efficient LED Lighting," Philips Lighting Americas President Amy Huntington &n Read More...
Plastipak earns $1M in energy efficiency rebates from local utility
...0 rebates)Motors and drives: 3,198,011 kWh ($68,000 rebates)Lighting: 2,879,775 kWh ($83,000 rebates)Other programs: 2,491,241 kWh ($143,000 rebates)"Plastipak is taking the necessary steps across their facility making energy efficiency and the environment a priority and today, we celebrate the Read More...
JPMorgan announces massive LED rollout
...PMorgan Chase & Co. announced it will put LED lighting in most of its roughly 5,000 U.S. branche...ted, the project could reduce the branches’ lighting-related energy use by more than 50%, the ...eraging LEDs to optimize energy efficiency.” Read More...