Items Tagged with "Longroad Energy"
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Facebook’s first direct investment in RE; Shell to share RECs
Facebook will be the sole tax equity investor in the $416 million Prospero Solar project in Andrews County, Texas. While the company has been a leader in the procurement of clean energy, this represents their first direct investment in a renewable energy project. When completed in 2020, the project Read More...
Crown signs wind VPPA, heads towards 100%RE
Crown Holdings, Inc. has signed a 15-year VPPA to utilize wind power in all of its U.S. and Canadian beverage can plants starting on July 1, 2020. The agreement is a step towards the company’s goal of running 100% renewable electricity by 2050, with interim targets of 30% by 2020 and 50% by 20 Read More...
Crown covers 100% of U.S., Canada operations with Texas wind power
Crown Holdings announced Nov. 20 that it has become the first metal packaging manufacturer to power its U.S. and Canadian operations on 100% renewable energy.The Pennsylvania-based beverage can manufacturer is now operating all 14 of its plants in the U.S. and Canada on renewable energy following th Read More...