Items Tagged with "Net Metering"
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California net metering structure to endure through 2019
The California Public Utilities Commission has taken steps toward maintaining the state’s net energy metering tariff, with minor changes, for at least the next three years. Owners of solar systems larger than one megawatt could see grid interconnection fees increase slightly.One of the propose Read More...
NV Energy announces net metering grandfathering proposal
Nevada sent shockwaves through the solar industry last year when the Public Utilities Commission announced changes to net metering rules and rates that would compensate solar installation owners less than the retail rate for power supplied back to the grid. Almost immediately, several large installe Read More...
California preserves retail net metering rate, increases fees
In what many view as a compromise between solar customers, vendors and utilities, the California Public Utilities Commission voted 3 to 2 on Jan. 28 in favor of maintaining the retail net energy metering rate.Net metering is a billing mechanism under which utilities pay solar customers for excess en Read More...
SEIA head talks Clean Power Plan, net metering with Bloomberg News
... trajectory. The trade association chief also weighed in on net-metering policy during a recent interview aired on Bloomberg TV. "We feel confident that the Clean Power Plan with finally be approved by the Appeals Court and will be put in place. It’s just on a year or year-and-a-half Read More...
Net metering under the microscope in Massachusetts
Massachusetts lawmakers are working on a solar power legislation compromise with regard to net metering. The state currently caps the amount of money solar energy producers can receive for delivering power into the grid but offers other incentives.The solar industry wants the cap lifted, but utiliti Read More...
Proposed legislation would increase net metering cap in Massachusetts by 3%
A legislative committee in Massachusetts has agreed on final language for a solar bill that would raise the state's net metering caps, but reduce the rate at which utilities must reimburse community and commercial solar projects for excess capacity sent into the grid. The bill will allow u Read More...