Items Tagged with "Promega Corporation"
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Promega surpasses energy goals ahead of schedule
Promega Corporation announced July 29 that they have achieved all of their environmental goals set for the end of 2020 early, including their goals to reduce carbon emissions by 10% and electricity usage by 2%.The biotech company reduced their carbon emissions by 13% and electricity use by 5% compar Read More...Tags: Promega Corporation,

Promega Exceeds 2020 Energy Goals, Sets New Targets
Promega Corporation recently released its 2030 environmental goals, including a target to reduce emissions 50% from a 2019 baseline.In 2020, the biotechnology manufacturer surpassed its previous target and saw a 44% reduction in emissions and 47% drop in electricity use compared to 2015 levels. A ke Read More...Tags: Promega Corporation,