Items Tagged with "Stripe"
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Alphabet, Meta, Shopify, Stripe Join Carbon Removal Commitment
Alphabet, Meta, Shopify, and Stripe will partner with McKinsey Sustainability as part of an eight-year $925 million commitment to accelerate the development of permanent carbon removal technologies by guaranteeing future demand. The joint effort, called Frontier, is an advanced market commitmen Read More...
Google, Stripe, Shopify Sign Carbon Removal Agreement
...acilitated purchases on behalf of Frontier founding members Stripe, Google, Shopify, and McKinsey Sustainability, as well as Autodesk, H&M Group, Workday, and Salesforce. Also, Aledade, Canva, Match Group, Samsara, SKIMS, Skyscanner, Wise, and Zendesk have purchased via Watershed's partnership w Read More...Tags: google, salesforce, H&M Group, Workday, Shopify, Autodesk, Stripe, Zendesk, Samsara, McKinsey Sustainability, Aledade, Canva, Match Group, SKIMS, Skyscanner, Wise,