Energy Efficiency | Page 107
Energy Efficiency - May 26, 2023 - By Better Buildings
Incorporating the Better Plants Steam System In-Plant Training Into Corporate Training and Energy Management Best Practices
To uncover new energy efficiency opportunities, OxyChem hosted a Better Plants In-Plant Training focused on the plant's steam systems. In this column from Better Buildings, discover how the training identified steam efficiency improvement opportunities across the chlor-alkali production process.
GHG Emissions - May 26, 2023
Westly Group Expanding Measurement of Emissions
The Westly Group, a sustainability-focused venture capital firm, announced it expanded the measurement of GHG emissions across its portfolio companies and own operations, including Scope 1, 2 and operational Scope 3.
GHG Emissions - May 26, 2023
PPG Targets Approved by SBTi
PPG, a paints, coatings and specialty materials company, announced the validation of its decarbonization targets by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
GHG Emissions - May 25, 2023
FedEx Launches Insights for Customer Emissions Tracking
FedEx Corp. will use its own scanned data from its logistics network to give customers access to emissions information.
GHG Emissions - May 25, 2023
City of Boulder Conducts Sustainable Deconstruction Project
The City of Boulder is conducting a sustainable deconstruction project at the municipality's former Boulder Community Health Hospital.
GHG Emissions - May 24, 2023
Owens Corning Cuts Emissions by 22%
Building and construction materials company Owens Corning has lowered Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 22% in 2022, from a 2018 baseline. These results move the company closer to its goal of a 50% reduction in absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 market-based GHG emissions by 2030.
GHG Emissions - May 24, 2023
Highgate Lowers Emissions by 21.8%
Highgate, a real estate investment and hospitality management company, lowered its total GHG emissions by 21.8% and energy use by more than 170,000 megawatt hours (MWh), when comparing data from 2021 to 2019.
Energy Efficiency - May 23, 2023
Amazon's New HQ Uses Climate-Friendly Solutions at Scale
Amazon offers a look at its second headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, which features sustainability principles embedded throughout its design.
Energy Efficiency - May 23, 2023
Bread Financial Prioritizes Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Bread Financial, a financial services company, announced achievements include procuring 75%+ of its electricity from renewable sources and increasing building efficiency by 25%.
Sourcing Renewables - May 22, 2023
Viatris Reports Progress on Building Sustainable Access to Medicine
Viatris Inc., a global healthcare company, is reporting on progress in building sustainable access to medicine through initiatives that include emissions reduction targets and expanded use of renewable energy.
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