Energy Efficiency | Page 114
Solar - April 26, 2023
St. John’s College to Install Solar, EV Charging
St. John's College announced the launch of a comprehensive, multi-phase solar and energy efficiency project for its Santa Fe campus. The project will include the installation of 1,670 solar panels and 20 electric vehicle charging stations across four campus parking lots.
Solar - April 26, 2023 - By Better Buildings
Solar Power Purchase Agreement Advances RE at Colorado State University
As part of its GHG reduction efforts, Colorado State University has been adding solar photovoltaic systems to its campuses, including the use of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), which have proven to be a powerful tool for bringing large quantities of solar to campus. In this column from Better Buildings, learn about the University's five-step solar PPA contracting and installation process.
GHG Emissions - April 25, 2023
DuPont Receives Target Approval from SBTi
Technology-based materials and solutions company DuPont announced that the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) validated its emissions reduction targets for 2030.
GHG Emissions - April 25, 2023
TripleLift Commits to Lowering Emissions by 2030
Digital media platform TripleLift announced its plans to lower GHG emissions across all scopes by over 50% each by 2030.
GHG Emissions - April 25, 2023
L'OCCITANE Group Boosts RE Use
The L'OCCITANE Group has committed to reducing its GHG emissions by 2031 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 with goals validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
Sourcing Renewables - April 24, 2023
Smart Energy Decisions Webinar Center
Catch up with the latest Smart Energy Decisions webcasts on-demand at the Webinar Center - your go-to resource for presentations you need to help you make the best decisions for your energy strategies. Recent webinars include "AI-based HVAC Management for Real-World Results," "The 2023 State of Corporate Sustainability," "Is Your Energy & Sustainability Data Financial Grade?" "Delivering Sustainable Energy as a Service as the first step towards net zero goals," "How 24/7 Carbon Data is Shaping the Travel & Tourism Industry," and "How to Optimize your Energy Strategy to Cut Costs, Increase Resilience and Secure Sustainable Growth."
GHG Emissions - April 24, 2023
UNC Greensboro Starts Carbon Offset Program
UNC Greensboro’s (UNCG) Office of Sustainability launched the Spartan DRIVE Fund (Drivers Reducing Individual Vehicle Emissions) calling for donations of $15 annually to offset commuter emissions.
GHG Emissions - April 24, 2023
The RMR Group Lowers Emissions by 35%
The RMR Group lowered its GHG emissions by 34.7%, energy consumption by 28.3%, and reduced energy consumption and water usage by 15.1% from a 2019 baseline.
Energy Efficiency - April 21, 2023
Smart Energy Decisions 2022 Sustainability Report
Smart Energy Decisions celebrated Earth Week with the release of its second annual Sustainability Report, demonstrating a continued commitment to progress on initiatives across three key sustainability sectors: environmental, social, and governance.
GHG Emissions - April 21, 2023
Nouveau Monde Graphite’s Matawinie Mine to Use Zero Emission Fleet
Nouveau Monde Graphite’s Matawinie Mine (NMG) will use a zero-exhaust emission fleet, infrastructure and services that will be developed by Caterpillar, a heavy equipment manufacturer.
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