Energy Efficiency | Page 342
Energy Efficiency - September 6, 2016
Wendy's recognized for energy use reductions
Wendy's Co., along with its franchisee, Wendco Group, were recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy on Sept. 6 for significant progress in reducing energy use.
Energy Efficiency - September 2, 2016 - By Amy Poszywak
At Colgate-Palmolive, a coalescence of climate, energy goals helps drive efficiency achievements
Colgate-Palmolive's adoption of science-based climate goals is the latest example of the corporation's work that began more than 10 years ago to connect its energy and climate strategies.
Energy Efficiency - August 30, 2016
Toyota to host energy engineering conference
Dubbed the nation's largest energy efficiency conference, this year's World Energy Engineering Congress, presented by the Association of Energy Engineers, is being held in Washington, D.C., from Sept. 21 through Sept. 23.
GHG Emissions - August 29, 2016
Whole Foods refrigeration system tackles emissions
A recently opened Whole Foods Market Inc. store in California showcases a new approach to grocery retail refrigeration, one the company claims is the most environmentally advanced in the country.
Energy Efficiency - August 27, 2016
Weekend reads: Cannabis and LEDs; a gasoline-powered car ban; DOE program under fire & more
Kick back with these must-read energy stories from around the web.
Energy Efficiency - August 26, 2016
Energy benchmarking pays off for NYC buildings
Mandated energy benchmarking has been useful in helping thousands of New York City buildings reduce energy use by 6% over the past three years, according to a new progress report.
Sourcing Renewables - August 26, 2016
Nashville airport cuts energy use with geothermal
The installation of a geothermal cooling system at Nashville International Airport is expected to save $430,000 a year in utility costs, according to trade media publication Engineering News-Record.
Solar - August 25, 2016
Community solar spurs corporate commitment
Joining the growing number of U.S. corporations making commitments to renewable energy, window and door manufacturer Andersen Corp. took a big bite of solar this year through a state-sanctioned community solar program.
Energy Efficiency - August 25, 2016
Quik Mart deploys LEDs, cuts lighting costs 77%
Quik Mart, an Arizona convenience store/gas station chain recently completed the replacement of existing fluorescent and HID interior/exterior lighting with solid-state LED lighting at 25 locations.
Energy Efficiency - August 24, 2016
Better Buildings launches new webinar series
The webinar series, which kicks off Sept. 13, features a new gang of expert speakers including representatives from Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. and Whole Foods Market Inc.
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