Energy Efficiency | Page 340 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency | Page 340

Energy Efficiency  -  September 30, 2016

LEDs help Tiffany & Co. curb energy use, emissions

Tiffany & Co. is seeing notable energy and emissions savings from a recent LED retrofit project, a stepping stone on its journey to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Energy Efficiency  -  September 30, 2016

New partnership aims to accelerate green leasing, unlock billions in energy savings for buildings

In a new, coordinated national effort to accelerate energy use reductions across billions of square feet of leased space, three industry groups have joined together to launch the Landlord-Tenant Energy Partnership.

Energy Efficiency  -  September 28, 2016

ACEEE unveils state rankings for energy efficiency

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy released its annual ranking of states by their energy efficiency policy and program efforts, applauding collaboration between businesses, governments and citizens in accelerating the push for energy efficiency as a resource.

Energy Efficiency  -  September 27, 2016

DOE's Better Plants fall 2016 progress update

This report details recent energy efficiency successes from a growing number of manufacturing organizations — including big corporations like 3M, Celanese, General Mills, General Motors and Procter & Gamble — within the U.S. Department of Energy's Better Plants program.

Energy Efficiency  -  September 27, 2016

Nissan, Sherwin-Williams, 10 more hit DOE goals

Offering a new progress update on the Better Plants program, the U.S. DOE announced that 12 manufacturers met their energy or water savings goals in 2016 and 30 new partners have joined the challenge. In 2015, partners reported an estimated cumulative energy savings of 600 trillion British thermal units and saved more than $3.1 billion in energy costs.

Demand Management  -  September 26, 2016 - By Constellation

Case study: How the National Aquarium is championing energy management

This case study presented by Constellation outlines how the team helped the National Aquarium in Baltimore develop an energy management strategy that promotes efficiency and conservation.

Energy Efficiency  -  September 26, 2016

DOE launches EMIS program, 18 inaugural partners

The U.S. DOE has launched a new program within the Better Buildings Initiative aimed at helping commercial building reduce their energy use with Macy's, Wendy's, Whole Foods and 15 other organizations as partners.

Energy Efficiency  -  September 26, 2016

EnerNOC announces restructuring, layoffs

Energy efficiency software provider EnerNOC on Sept. 23 announced a restructuring of its subscription-based energy information systems business that will result in a 15% reduction in the company's global workforce.

Energy Efficiency  -  September 23, 2016

1st Colorado C-PACE project receives financing

Financing has been obtained for Colorado's first Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy, or C-PACE, project; the associated energy upgrades to a commercial and industrial property include a 100 kW rooftop solar array and LED lighting.

GHG Emissions  -  September 22, 2016

Washington Gas slashes GHG, methane emissions

The regulated natural gas utility subsidiary of WGL Holdings said it has surpassed its 2020 greenhouse gas and methane emissions reduction goals.

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