Energy Efficiency | Page 347
Distributed Energy Resources - July 14, 2016
Plans for an 'off-grid' residential complex scrapped by NYC developer
The developer of residential complex in New York City that was intended to be energy independent has cancelled the project, citing the expiration of a key tax incentive.
Energy Efficiency - July 12, 2016
EIA data show global energy intensity on the decline
Worldwide energy intensity, measured as energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product, decreased by nearly one-third between 1990 and 2015, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Energy Efficiency - July 11, 2016
Kroger sets goal to reduce energy consumption 40% by 2020
In outlining a number of new sustainability goals, supermarket chain The Kroger Co. has committed to reducing its cumulative energy consumption 20% by 2020 from a 2000 baseline.
Energy Efficiency - July 8, 2016
Dow Chemical hits snag in energy intensity reduction, plunges forward in renewables
Dow Chemical Co. fell far short of its targeted energy intensity cuts in 2015, but still achieved its GHG reductions goal and continues to plow forward with its adoption of renewable energy.
Energy Efficiency - July 7, 2016
Ford enters $5.7M energy savings contract for plant HVAC optimization
Ford Motor Co. has entered into a $5.7 million energy savings performance contract intended to optimize the HVAC system at one of its transmission plants.
Energy Efficiency - July 6, 2016 - By Amy Poszywak
Lighting retrofit helps CBRE Group reduce portfolio's energy use 2.4% in 2015
With a managed portfoliowide average Energy Star score already near 80, commercial real estate services and investment firm CBRE Group still managed to pare energy use down 2.5% in 2015.
Commercial - July 5, 2016 - By Aaron Daly
The case for utility investment in natural refrigeration technologies
Whole Foods Market global energy coordinator Aaron Daly calls on utilities to help accelerate commercial adoption natural refrigeration systems to replace the use of hydrofluorocarbons, which are said to be thousands of times more powerful than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.
Energy Efficiency - July 5, 2016
Kilroy Realty recognized for green leasing at 2 commercial properties
Kilroy Realty was recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy for its role in the execution of two "green leases," which help commercial building owners and tenants save energy.
Energy Efficiency - July 5, 2016
Johnson Control's 2016 Energy Efficiency Indicator Survey Summary
This power point from Johnson Controls details the results of the company's 2016 Energy Efficiency Indicator survey, which polled more than 1,200 facility and energy management executives across the U.S., Brazil, China, Germany and India.
Sourcing Renewables - July 1, 2016 - By Amy Poszywak
A decade into energy management, Corning looks to renewable energy
Ten years after the initial launch of its internal global energy management program, Corning Inc.'s strategy has evolved beyond traditional efficiency into a new era.
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