Items Tagged with "Advanced Energy Economy"
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Advanced energy market is soaring, energy storage growing fast
The U.S. energy storage market grew 12 times larger in 2015 than the prior year, with total revenue reaching $734 million. And that's not all, according to a new report from Advanced Energy Economy.Excluding revenue from ethanol, U.S. advanced energy revenue grew 10% in 2015, four times faster Read More...Tags: Advanced Energy Economy,

Microsoft partners up on energy policy tracking tool
Microsoft Corp. and the business association Advanced Energy Economy on Oct. 6 announced a new predictive policy tool to support legislative advocacy in energy. Powered by Microsoft Azure integrated cloud-computing services and machine learning, AEE's PowerSuite online bill-tracking platform w Read More...
Business group pushes Virginia politicians on energy
A national association of businesses committed to advancing clean energy efforts nationwide announced June 23 that it sent a memo to the two candidates in Virginia’s gubernatorial race outlining actions that the future governor could take to advance the commonwealth’s energy programs.The Read More...
Top 10 Utility Regulation Trends
The following is an excerpt from a blog post from Advanced Energy Economy. For the full post, click hereAs we move into 2019, let’s check in on the top public utility commission (PUC) actions and trends of the past year. Ten prominent trends and actions stand out above the rest, from renewable Read More...
How to Get Utilities and Regulators to Provide Renewable Energy Options that Work for Your Company
Energy procurement and sustainability teams tasked with meeting corporate renewable energy targets are all too familiar with the fact that doing so is much easier in some states than in others. Specifically, in states that lack retail choice, and especially in states that are not part of an organize Read More...
Here’s What Big EVs Can Do For You
While electric vehicle aficionados swoon over the latest addition to Tesla’s passenger vehicle line, companies, cities, and school districts are quietly taking advantage of new model offerings in the medium- and heavy-duty segment. And they’re doing so for very practical reasons: cost sa Read More...
2019: A Banner Year for Corporate Renewable Energy
Corporate renewable energy procurement is no longer a new trend. Commercial and industrial (C&I) customers have become an important slice of the overall market driving renewable energy development. While increasingly mature, the C&I market for renewable energy is far from static. In th Read More...
UPDATE: Understanding the MOPR - What an Obscure FERC Rule Could Mean for Renewable Energy Buyers
The energy world is full of acronyms, and the hottest four-letter word of 2020 is, without contest, MOPR. MOPR stands for “Minimum Offer Price Rule,” and it has become a top concern of clean energy advocates, advanced energy developers, and states since December when the Federal En Read More...
What COVID Means for Energy Goals and Sustainability Efforts, Today and Tomorrow
As companies adjust to a new normal during COVID-19, develop strategies to ride out the economic storm, and navigate various state reopening schedules and rules, sustainability teams face their own challenge: assessing whether and how the coronavirus pandemic and its economic fallout will affect pro Read More...
Competitive Wholesale Markets Unlock Procurement Options—Will the Proposed Southeast Energy Exchange Market Do the Same?
The benefits of competitive wholesale markets to customers are generally boiled down to two simple words: cost and reliability. But ask any large buyer of clean energy, and you’ll hear a host of additional reasons why organized, competitive wholesale markets overseen by regional transmission o Read More...Tags: Advanced Energy Economy,