Smart Energy Decisions News
Solar - February 21, 2020
Nantucket farm adds additional 1.4 MW of solar
The largest family-owned farm on Nantucket Island recently completed a 1.4 MW ground-mounted solar installation, bringing their total solar capacity to near 2 MW and 2.6 million kWh of electricity annually.
Commercial - February 21, 2020
NILIT reveals industry's largest on-site cogeneration plant
A global producer of Nylon 6.6 fibers is now operating from an on-site cogeneration power plant that allows them to use natural gas at its main manufacturing facility.
Solar - February 20, 2020
Comcast installs rooftop solar at D.C. facility
Comcast is expecting to save approximate 272 metric of CO2 annually through a 760-panel rooftop solar installation that they recently completed at their multi-purpose facility in Washington, D.C.
Commercial - February 20, 2020
Western N.Y. dairy farms join biogas generation project
Six dairy farms in Western New York are joining a biogas generation project that is expected to produce about 305,000 MMBtu of renewable natural gas each year.
Solar - February 20, 2020
Falmouth, ME could save $2M with proposed solar installation
The town of Falmouth, Maine, could offset 70% of their annual energy costs and save nearly $2 million over 20 years through a new solar project that is currently under proposal.
Industrial - February 19, 2020
Shiloh Industries introduces two RE-powered plants in Europe
Shiloh Industries announced Feb. 18 that they are continuing toward their goal of carbon neutrality with the addition of two facilities using 100% certified renewable electrical energy in Europe.
Sourcing Renewables - February 19, 2020
Vassar College goes 100% renewable
Vassar College has announced their newest initiative to promote sustainability: purchasing 100% of their energy from renewable sources.
Energy Efficiency - February 19, 2020
Chicago completes 200,000 LED streetlight overhaul
Chicago recently completed an overhaul of its city streetlights and converted 200,000 lights to LED, a move that is expected to reduce city electrical costs by $100 million during the first 10 years.
Sourcing Renewables - February 18, 2020
Shell invests in Europe's largest battery system
Shell is expanding its investment in renewable energy through a multi-year power offtake deal that will make possible the construction of a 100 MW battery story project in England – the biggest in Europe to date.
Commercial - February 18, 2020
HealthTrust to begin Energy-as-a-Service program for hospitals
Shell is expanding its investment in renewable energy through a multi-year power offtake deal that will make possible the construction of a 100 MW battery story project in England – the biggest in Europe to date.
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