Solar | Page 107
Solar - May 20, 2020
Emory Univ. plans 5.5 MW solar project
Emory University announced May 12 that they will be installing 5.5 MW of solar generation on campus and expect the project to cover 10% of the university's peak energy requirements.
Commercial - May 18, 2020
Facebook data center a major contributor to N.M. clean energy goals
The expansion of 396 MW of solar and wind power that Facebook sources for its data center operations in New Mexico was found to account for a large amount of the state's clean energy generation and to be a major factor in the state reaching their own renewable energy goals.
Solar - May 18, 2020
Largest N.J. solar farm to provide Navy base energy resiliency
A 28.5 MW solar project constructed at Naval Weapons Stations Earle (NWS Earle) was completed this week with the potential to increase the naval base’s power resiliency in times of need and becomes the largest solar project in New Jersey, driving the state toward its 2050 goal of 100% clean energy.
Solar - May 15, 2020
GM's largest North America plant goes 100% solar-powered
General Motors’ largest facility in North America will soon be powered by 100% solar power under a new green tariff agreement that is expected to increase their renewable energy use in the U.S. to 50% by 2023.
May 13, 2020
Solar project to power Toyota and Dow approved by PSC
Toyota and Dow Silicones Corporation will soon be receiving solar power from a 100 MW project that was just approved by the Public Service Commission (PSC) in Kentucky on May 8 to be sourced by their local utilities.
Solar - May 8, 2020
Richmond, Calif., installs solar-powered EV charger
The City of Richmond, Calif., has received solar-power electric vehicle charging infrastructure that will allow for convenient charging opportunities for residents as well as increased resiliency.
Solar - May 7, 2020
Redwood Coast Energy Authority plans new solar project for residents
California residents will soon be benefitting from a 100 MW solar project in Kern County through the Redwood Coast Energy Authority (RCEA), a joint powers government agency focusing on increasing clean energy in the region.
Solar - May 6, 2020
New York State unveils newest community solar project
The Town of Denmark, N.Y., became the site of a new 7.2 MW community solar project that will provide clean energy to customers anywhere in National Grid’s existing distribution system.
Solar - May 6, 2020
Dependable Hawaiian Express installs solar system with storage
Dependable Hawaiian Express announced May 6 that they will begin receiving clean energy for their new warehouse and distribution center in Honolulu from an on-site 133 kW solar system combined with a 222 kWh energy storage microgrid.
Solar - May 4, 2020
Dane County Airport to receive 9 MW solar project
Dane County Regional Airport in Wisconsin received news on April 30 from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin that they were approved to implement a 9 MW solar array on-site with the help of Madison Gas and Electric to cover approximately 40% of the energy needs of the entire county.
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