Solar | Page 146 | Renewable Energy | Smart Energy Decisions

Solar | Page 146

June 7, 2018

Cornell’s NYC tech campus goes solar

The Bloomberg Center at Cornell Tech’s Roosevelt Island, Manhattan campus is now powered by solar generation system, which is expected to contribute to the Center’s goal of getting to net-zero energy usage.

Solar  -  June 6, 2018

Wynn Las Vegas opens solar facility

Wynn Las Vegas announced the beginning of commercial operation of the Wynn Solar Facility, a 160-acre facility that now offsets up to 75% of the resort’s current peak power requirements. Wynn reports this is the largest percentage of renewable energy used by any resort in Las Vegas

Sourcing Renewables  -  June 2, 2018

Weekend reads: Meeting Paris goals (without Trump); Giant corporates going solar & more

Kick back and relax with these must-read energy stories from around the web:

Solar  -  June 1, 2018

Mars goes 100% RE in Australia

Mars, Inc. has announced the purchase of solar energy to deliver 100% of the electricity needed to power its Australian operations by 2020. The global confectionary company signed a PPA with Total Eren for the 200 MW Kiamal Solar Farm in Victoria,

Solar  -  June 1, 2018

Webster, MA hospital adds solar array

The Harrington HealthCare’s Webster, MA facility has added a 4,200-panel solar array, expect to save the hospital and community more than $1 million. The facility will realize direct savings and lower operating costs, while almost 150 nearby homes can subscribe

Solar  -  May 30, 2018

The Home Depot premieres largest solar array in D.C.

The Home Depot has installed a 554-kilowatt solar generation project at its northeast Washington, D.C. location. The project is the largest single rooftop array in the District and is expected to supply more than 9.9 million kilowatt hours of electricity to the store

May 30, 2018

Ithaca Beer goes solar

Ithaca Beer Company, one of the largest craft breweries in New York State, installed a 200kW solar array on the roof of their facility located on Ithaca's West End. The company partnered with Renovus Solar on the installation.

Solar  -  May 29, 2018

Amazon premieres rooftop solar system in Las Vegas

Amazon announced on May 29 the launch of a 1.1-megawatt solar rooftop installation on its North Las Vegas fulfillment center, consisting of 3,145 individual solar modules atop an 813,000 square-foot roof—an array the size of 3.5 football fields.

Energy Storage  -  May 28, 2018

U of Texas develops new solar storage system

The University of Texas’s Cockrell School of Engineering has developed a system integrating solar power and storage systems with the potential to halve costs.

Sourcing Renewables  -  May 26, 2018

Weekend reads: Battery boom roadblock; NJ leads the way & more

Kick back and relax with these must-read energy stories from around the web:

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