Items Tagged with "Crs"
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Green Power Leadership Awards application period approaching
...u are interested in participating or learning more, EPA and CRS will provide information related to eligibility, evaluation criteria, and application content for each of the award categories, as well as answer questions, in a free webinar on March 3 at 12 p.m. ET. You can register for the webinar he Read More...
How Renewable Energy Certificates Make a Difference
In this two-page primer, the Center for Resource Solutions explains the benefits and impact of renewable energy credits, or RECs. Essentially an introduction to RECs, this fact sheet offers details on how the renewable energy preferences of consumers, including corporate buyers, can drive Read More...Tags: CRS,

Additionality and Renewable Energy Certificates
...of renewable electricity. Even without additionality, CRS argues, REC buyers are still impacting the development of new renewable resources. Read More...Tags: CRS,

Green-e verification report, 2015
...ons and the Tennessee Valley Authority.For nearly 20 years, CRS has developed and implemented consumer protection standards for the voluntary renewable energy and carbon offset markets through its Green‑e programs. The standards mandate a rigorous accountability for retail products sold to consume Read More...Tags: CRS,

Policies for enabling corporate sourcing of renewable energy internationally
This report from the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory explores the policy and regulatory enabling environment for corporate sourcing of renewable energy. NREL, along with the Center of Resource Solutions, the International Renewable Energy Agency and the World Re Read More...