Items Tagged with "Edf"
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Conveyor Belt to Energy Savings: an adidas Case Study
After EDF Climate Corps fellow Eric Shrag investigated energy efficiency opportunities in The adidas Group's distribution facilities, the company created a set of guidelines for new distribution center construction. This case study dives into that process.While every distribution center is different Read More...
Storytelling for sustainability: It's time for corporate leaders to gather 'round the campfire
...the ground with leading brands for over 25 years, EDF is keenly aware that companies are often doing...ight now, it's usually environmental groups, like EDF, surfacing corporate sustainability stories an...their stories: Conservation International and HP, EDF and Walmart , WWF and Coca-Cola. Getting Read More...
Filling the gap: How efficiency standards could save billions in commercial real estate
...d comparable metrics.In an effort to answer this conundrum, EDF’s Investor Confidence Project developed standardized tools to better assess performance risk, and build trust in both financial and environmental results. With a certification called "Investor Ready Energy Efficiency” projec Read More...
Putting the pieces together: Building an energy management program to drive value
...rong, holistic energy management program? Through EDF's Climate Corps program, I have gotten a glimp...ll your company be next? As a project manager for EDF Climate Corps, Scott Wentzell works build momentum towards a low-carbon economy. EDF Climate Corps is a one-of-a-kind fellowship pr Read More...
Best Buy, Tesla, PepsiCo among 100+ organizations to host EDF Climate Corps fellows
...sectors this summer. Over the coming months, EDF said in announcing the launch of the 2016 prog...w investments in clean energy technology and EDF expects that number to increase...fted over time," Liz Delaney, program director of EDF Climate Corps told Smart Energy Decisions Read More...
In strategic energy management, efficiency 'just the beginning,' EDF says in 1st-of-its-kind report
...ate Corps program. Since its launch in 2008, EDF's Climate Corps program has placed more than 7...or to help accelerate energy projects. Each year, EDF says, those fellows have built the b...horenstein Properties LLC and Iron Mountain Inc., EDF reveals its findings after analyzing eigh Read More...
Walking the walk: Companies lead the call for clean truck standards
...irst appeared on the Environmental Defense Fund's EDF + Business blog shortly after the EPA ann...irst appeared on the Environmental Defense Fund's EDF + Business blog shortly after the EPA ann...nbsp;its new emissions standards for trucks. Read More...
LEDs help Tiffany & Co. curb energy use, emissions
...iness case for the LED rollout was created with the help of EDF's Climate Corps program, as detailed in a recent report. The Climate Corps fellow assigned to help Tiffany's in 2014 analysis found through an analysis that LED retrofits could contribute to an estimated 6% global reduction in the Read More...
How to work smarter, not harder: Goals help companies get strategic about climate change
...tion? And if so, what kind?As program director of EDF Climate Corps, every summer I get a glimpse in...ressively responsible ways. This past summer, 125 EDF Climate Corps fellows — talented graduat... and results-oriented than ever. More than 70% of EDF Climate Corps host organizations have energy o Read More...
Smithfield Foods outlines plan to cut emissions 25%
...derable fire from environmental groups, including EDF, over the years for the level of pollution emi...nbsp;one of its facilities. Tom Murray, who heads EDF's corporate partnerships program, applaud...nable, says research firm Nielsen."Editor's note: EDF is a Smart Energy Decisions content partner.&n Read More...
DOE launches energy efficiency 'financing navigator'
...f other contributors.The DOE's Better Buildings initiative, EDF and IMT are all Smart Energy Decisions content partners. Read More...
JPMorgan Inks Deal For RE to Power All UK Offices institution completed an agreement with EDF for approximately 120,000 MWh of renewable ele...half-hour basis through source-specific access to EDF’s 8 TWh of contracted generation.The“We are pleased to collaborate with EDF to deploy this leading-edge technology, which Read More...
McDonald’s Signs VPPA
...d a 15-year virtual power purchase agreement with EDF Renewables North America.The 255 MWac / 332 MW...ricity in June 2024.“We are thrilled to add EDF Renewables and the Apollo Solar project to our...w renewable generation to the grid. Together with EDF Renewables, this project furthers our shared g Read More...Tags: EDF,

Canada Municipalities Sign Wind Energy Agreements
...of Granit to increase the use of renewable energy.EDF Renewables North America announced that Hydro-... projects, as follows, will contribute to meeting EDF’s CAP 2030 strategy which aims at doubli...l'Est is proud to continue its collaboration with EDF Renewables, this time for the implementation o Read More...Tags: EDF,