Items Tagged with "Philadelphia Energy Authority"
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City of Philadelphia secures largest PA solar project
The City of Philadelphia has approved a 70-megawatt solar PPA in Adams County, Penn., to power government facilities in Philadelphia. The project is the largest in Pennsylvania by sevenfold, and a significant step toward the City’s clean energy goal of sourcing 100% of its electricity from ren Read More...
Solarize Philly reopens registration
Registration for “Solarize Philly” has been reopened for 2019 so that anyone who owns property in Philadelphia, including businesses and homeowners, can have another chance to sign up to receive a free solar assessment. “Cutting local carbon emissions, creating jobs, and Read More...
SED to premiere Accelerate Philly in December
Smart Energy Decisions (SED), in association with the Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA), will host a major regional clean energy conference, Accelerate Philly, in December 2019. The event is organized in response to the growing interest and urgent need to increase the use of clean energy and reduc Read More...
Pennsylvania plans first C-PACE deal with multi-use facility
Pennsylvania will see its first-ever C-PACE deal in the form of $1.5 million in energy and water investments in Philadelphia through an agreement between the Philadelphia Energy Authority, Twain Financial Partners and SHIFT Capital.Energy and water efficiency upgrades will be implemented at a new mi Read More...
Pennsylvania sees first use of C-PACE loan for renewable energy
The Capers Company announced Aug. 18 that they are borrowing $519,020 in Commercial Property-Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) financing to construct a 212 kW rooftop solar installation on a daycare building they own in Philadelphia, representing the first use of C-PACE financing for renewable energy i Read More...
Curtis Institute of Music commences energy-efficient facilities improvements
The Curtis Institute of Music is kicking off a three-year project to make energy-efficiency investments in its Philadelphia facilities through an agreement with The Efficiency Network (TEN)."Improving our facilities across the Curtis campus is a key objective in our strategic plan," Larry Bomback, s Read More...
Philadelphia to Offer Solar Financing for Home and Business Owners
Homeowners and owners of commercial properties in Philadelphia could have access to solar panel financing under a new phase of a project implemented by the Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA).The PEA’s Solarize Philly program is now open for enrollment to support the constriction of solar ener Read More...
Philadelphia Launches Green Bank for Energy Project Financing
Philadelphia residents will soon have access to low-cost financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects through the establishment of a non-profit green bank.The Philadelphia Green Capital Corp. (PGCC) is an affiliate of the Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) and will act as a platfor Read More...
Philadelphia C-PACE Reaches $100 million in Clean Energy Financing
The Philadelphia Energy Authority announced the closing of $30.08 million in Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) financing for a Freezpak cold storage facility in Philadelphia. The deal was completed with Nuveen Green Capital.This is the largest C-PACE deal to-date in Penns Read More...
Philly Streetlight Improvement Project Kicks Off
The Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) announced the kickoff of construction for the Philly Streetlight Improvement Project.The project will replace and connect approximately 130,000 streetlights into a network of more efficient, longer-lasting, remotely-controlled light-emitting diode (LED) lights Read More...