Items Tagged with "Recs"
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Green-e Verification Report, 2014
This annual report from the Center for Resource Solutions highlights results from the annual verification process audit for Green-e participants. Green-e, according to CRS, is North America's leading independent certification and verification program for renewable energy and gree Read More...
Renewable Energy in the EPA's Clean Power Plan, Part 2: Interactions With and Impacts on RECs and Renewable Energy Markets
..., or REC, markets. How do ERCs interact with RECs and renewable energy markets? Only time will tell, though it will largely depend on how states set up their CPP state plans and specify (if at all) the relationship between REC and ERC ownership. There are, how Read More...
Clean energy guru sees more corporate renewables purchases
...o power their organizations.As renewable energy credits, or RECs, continue falling out of favor – partially because they have gained a reputation as "greenwashing tools" – companies are increasingly finding ways to generate renewable energy directly onsite or to purchase it directly thro Read More...
Lockheed Martin, Duke Energy ink 17-year renewable energy deal
As part of Lockheed Martin's comprehensive sustainability commitments, the corporation is focused on reducing overall energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions through energy-efficiency measures as well as renewable energy projects. To those ends, Lockheed recently signed a 17-year power purch Read More...
Microsoft announces public-private partnership to build 20-MW solar project
Microsoft, the Commonwealth of Virginia and Dominion Virginia Power have entered into an agreement under which Dominion will construct a 20-MW solar project.Microsoft will claim the renewable energy certificates and Virginia will purchase the power for delivery to state agencies. This deal diff Read More...
Through credits, retailer H&M sourced 78% of electricity from renewables in 2015
Multinational retail clothing company H&M increased the amount of renewable energy used to power its stores, offices and warehouses globally to 78% in 2015 from 27% in 2014. The company, which is a member of the RE100 initiative, said in its 2015 sustainability report that&nb Read More...
Dow Chemical unit hits 100% renewable power at manufacturing sites
... has been secured through renewable energy credits, or RECs, and applied exclusively to manufacturing plants for Dow Building Solutions' residential and commercial products.The announcement builds on Dow Chemical's news just days earlier that it was increasing its renewable Read More...
Moving beyond RECs, Microsoft seeks more renewables for data centers
Though its data centers are already 100% "carbon neutral," Microsoft Corp. recently announced plans to increase their direct use of renewable energy in the years ahead. Microsoft, similar to other technology companies, uses a mix of energy efficiency, on-site renewable energy and Read More...
NFL, NRG powering Super Bowl with clean energy
...tificate, or REC, on behalf of Super Bowl LI. The RECs account for the electricity used at NRG Stadi...m, is a third-party certification that guarantees RECs are generated from new renewable facilities a...and marketed with transparency and accuracy. Read More...Tags: recs,